Instead of right and left pointing fingers at one another we need ideas and solutions if we want to come together as a country. One flaw in our Presidential Elections is that they are winner-take-all. It doesn't matter that Trump won a substantial amount of states, those voters get nothing. Same thing if the election goes the other way. In 2016 while Clinton lost there were lots of voters who got nothing out of that election. This is not what the Founding Fathers envisioned. Prior to the election of 1804 there were no President-Vice President tickets. The person who had the most electoral votes was elected President and the person receiving the second most votes would become Vice President. We need to go back to this system, with an important modification for today. This would let the majority of Americans have a say in who is President while giving the consolation prize of the Vice-Presidency to the loser. The current system was abolished after the 1800 election because the partie...